I Was Innocent Yet I Approved Myself Guilty.

An incident that taught me Integrity, determination, and righteousness

Aniket Saraf
3 min readJun 29, 2021
Photo by Alistair Dent on Unsplash

“He’s an idiot.” My bench partner commented. His voice didn’t reach beyond my ears.

“You should not say such ill to our teacher, that’s immoral,” I may complain. I was kidding.

I always respect teachers, but I was not to utter a word out about such small mischief to anyone. I forgot the talk.

The next day the teacher called me outside the class. My bench partner was standing in front of him. Along with him were 3–4 boys.

I was perplexed.

The teacher questioned me whether I called him an idiot.

I was shocked. “I never said such a word. Instead, it was the bench partner who said so,” I replied.

I was true to my words. But the plot was already built by my bench partner. He brought along with him his friends, who pretended to witness my spell. The teacher was forced to accept the plotted truth with the majority on the side of the bench partner.

We were in 5th grade. How miserable some kids can go at such a young age, I thought.

The teacher repetitively urged me to confess. Time runs faster on such occasions. The next class was…



Aniket Saraf

Writer in Tech, Startups, Entrepreneurship, & Personal Development. Digital Creator | Ghostwriter | Copywriter | Content Marketer