Finally, You Found Me!

Welcome to my world

Aniket Saraf
4 min readOct 25, 2021

Let’s have a chit-chat.

I am a learner. The more books I read, the more I know that I know nothing.

Due to this simple habit of keep learning, I have captured a lot of literature. It consists of:

  • Life lessons from my quirky stories
  • Productivity hacks
  • How to stay happy and never get depressed
  • Love and relationships
  • How to last long — almost everywhere!
  • How to increase self-esteem
  • How to design and construct a life you want
  • Why and How to live a purposeful life!
  • Success at life

Isn’t this exciting!

Now, I write stories about these topics on Medium! Here’s a glimpse of one of the stories that I urge you to read to learn how our world works.

I live multiple lives. Here’s how you too can. Ok —No suspense. I read a lot.

Well, till now, you know me as a writer. But I don’t write for a living.

I write to help you not to repeat the mistakes I made throughout my life. I write to teach you how you can save a lot of time, effort, energy, and stay away from mental breakdowns. I make things easy for you.

Now, I want you to be a happier and healthy appearing person when we meet! so don’t skip this advice. One thing that you can do to save yourself is to start daily Yoga. I too practice it. Yoga helped me (and many others) to come out of an incurable disease.

You know, unlike others, I regretted my childhood, but now I’m happy with my life.

Do you know that we are conditioned to live a mediocre life? Our social fabric is still fragile. I was a victim of society’s hypothetical, unworkable, and unscientific beliefs. But, I transcended that BS.

If you are still with me, let me share what else I do…

I graduated as a Civil Engineer. And then completed my Master’s. Yay…I’m a Construction Management Professional. But, I don’t like that thing.

I am inclined towards sustainability.

I don’t like cacophonic construction practices like building dams and other unnecessary development.

What’s necessary is enough.

So, for my life, I will strive to create necessary changes in society to the best of my abilities to bring positive sustainable change and create a holistic world where every creature co-exists.

Will you join me for this?

It’s a humungous mission and I need you. Let’s first connect on Social Media so that we’ll be updated about each other’s lives!

You can send me a DM on Instagram/LinkedIn with a note — I read about you on Medium and I can help you in your Mission.

No doubt, I’ll be sharing updates about my exciting plans and progress about my life journey through my Newsletter — Equipoise.

Equipoise means the balance of forces or interests, so the name.

In near future, I’m planning to startup! Well, I’ve already started up. It is aligned with my mission. Now, I’ve plans to expand my horizons.

Do you know how I manage so many things? Well, I like what I do so my work is not a burden to me.

There are a lot of things that I like and I can do them, so I enjoy my life. You too can live a purposeful life and bring positive change to society.

Yeah, it is a step-by-step journey and I’ve got a lot more to do.

How about a quick Collab?

If you are a blogger/writer, I’d appreciate it if you would like to syndicate your blogs on topics —

  • Careers and Career Advice
  • Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Perspective on how not to waste a human life
  • Global opportunities(career/earning) that are available for youngsters and steps to grab those.
  • College life, Education, and Learning — Hacks, resources, and advice.

on my website —

Presently, it is created to improve the lives of the Youth of India. But, I’ve mostly written with a viewpoint of global youth. You can, in turn, add my articles to your blog! — A win-win.

If you are not a Medium member and wish to read any of my articles, visit my Twitter. I share article friend links there. We can have a chit chat too! I am new to Twitter and I found it more resourceful and time-saving than LinkedIn.

Although I use most of the social media platforms for grown-ups, and they run with a speed of light using fiber optics, I can connect with you at lightning speed on Twitter more than anywhere else. Twitter is no BS platform.

One book that I recommend you to read is — The Almanack of Naval Ravikant. Here’s everything about him! I found the book super concise and straight to the point. I discovered Naval on the internet and became a fan of him in no time! Someday…the world might discover you too!

I’m waiting for that day when you will reach heights of success and fulfillment and give back to society an abundance of positivity. I’d proudly say that this was the person I once met…and I’ll show them your name in the comments section of this piece!

Enough of me. There is a lot more to say about my hobbies. I will keep it for the time when we meet in person.



Aniket Saraf

Writer in Tech, Startups, Entrepreneurship, & Personal Development. Digital Creator | Ghostwriter | Copywriter | Content Marketer