The Hidden Potential of LinkedIn

40+ ways to purposefully en cash opportunities

Aniket Saraf
4 min readOct 11, 2022
Photo by Christine Roy on Unsplash

Not many people know the hidden potential of LinkedIn. They think LinkedIn is a job search site — So uneducated.

Before I started creating content full time, even I thought LinkedIn to be a barren piece of land. Then one rainy day, I came across a top writer who showed me the goldmine I was sleeping on.

From that day, even I couldn’t stop joining the gold rush.

Let me tell you what extraordinary people do with LinkedIn.

Each professional perceives LinkedIn differently

  • LinkedIn is a professional networking site for solopreneurs like content creators, writers, storytellers, freelancers, painters, graphic designers, etc.
  • LinkedIn is a personal branding platform for founders, VCs, and would be influencers.
  • LinkedIn is a lead generation site for businesses and freelancers.
  • LinkedIn is a search engine for job seekers.

In essence, you can use LinkedIn for —

  • Networking
  • Increase sales
  • Generate leads
  • Get good at writing



Aniket Saraf
Aniket Saraf

Written by Aniket Saraf

Writer in Tech, Startups, Entrepreneurship, & Personal Development. Digital Creator | Ghostwriter | Copywriter | Content Marketer

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