How To Get A Worthy Deal

Even if you are a beginner

Aniket Saraf
3 min readJan 16, 2022
A middle aged  man and a woman having a high five while closing a deal
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

What do you do to earn $$$ from your first client?

It was my first deal. The client persuaded me with her emotional story, and I became sympathetic.

I gave my services for free. And now, I think I made a terrible mistake…

I earned $ NIL with the deal.

The Beginning Is The Toughest Phase

The initial phase of starting a business is intriguing. You don’t know how much to charge, you are not confident, you are under-skilled.

More or less, you are a gullible baby entrepreneur.

Anyone can persuade you to work for them without paying you a penny.

They can trick you by telling how miserable their times with money is, and you might feel that you need to help them with whatever force you can. And, as a generous human, you don’t charge them for your services.

It’s great to offer help if someone is coming to you. But you cannot give free consultation forever. You need a strategy to handle such situations.

I chalked down following things:

Be Friendly

Have a casual talk. Ask their whereabouts. Ask their pain-points.



Aniket Saraf

Writer in Tech, Startups, Entrepreneurship, & Personal Development. Digital Creator | Ghostwriter | Copywriter | Content Marketer